We born since 2015 start with doing observation and spend more than 1 year to find and made pattern how to do BSF technically. Time by time improve to technically to implement cultivation to get more efficient and stable.
building a strong livestock world and participating in building a clean environment.
Adi Akhmad Abdillah has dedicated much of his time to the spread and development of Black soldier fly in Indonesia and many countries around the world through his various educational platforms and services.
The condition of farmers at that time struggling to reduce the cost of animal feed in unstable conditions has moved his heart and mind to do something. Black Soldier Fly was previously something very exclusive, only able to be done by large industries with science that seemed to be tightly closed and a secret.
This led him to make in-depth observations, especially on the technical aspects of BSF farming, to be able to cultivate BSF properly in accordance with the desired target and scale. BSF Colony Indonesa & BSF Colony is the manifestation of all the energy he has put into this endeavour.
for the farmer welfare, and clean the world.